Dear Society,…
As the 2010s comes to a close, I wanted to write about some of the things I’ve learned over the past ten years. I recently discovered Jeffree Star on YouTube, an LGBT beauty blogger. For some reason, I’ve always been drawn to people like Star; but while I was watching the videos Star inspired me to be true to myself rather than follow the crowd. Star even acknowledges that people should not hide their issues and true selves (Star, 2019). The 2010s has been an important decade for me, I started off with my teenage years going in and leaving in my early twenties. At first all I wanted was to be like everyone else, because that’s what society wants. But by the end of the decade, I believe now that belief that we should fit in rather than stand out was what really fucked me over.
Society says we should be ourselves, but then judges us harshly when we are. Society should strive to be more unique rather than more similar. In addition, I believe a lot of this comes from the use of social media; I still remember comparing myself to other girls in middle and high school about physical appearance rather than embracing my own beauty. Sometimes this idea of conformity can lead to people to consider suicide, especially teenage youth. One of my professors said the only way to be truly happy is to live life up to your own expectations, not society’s (a humanistic psychology concept). I learned, in addition, if you conform to other’s norms, it will lead to despair in the end.
As I approach my undergraduate ending and my future, I want to enter the new decade with sense of hope that other’s will look within themselves rather than to other people. That they won’t fear what others think, like I did, and learn to be happy with who they are. While I feel this decade has had more downs than ups (losing my sweet dog, a friend, being bullied by adults, etc.). I’m optimistic that I will live my life to the fullest, after all the twenties are the good years. Even more optimistic about my career, knowing I’m going to help people find purpose in their lives. I hope this article has you deep in thought and makes you ponder.
Anjali Reddy
P.S. Society, You make think you have ruined me. But I’m still standing and stronger than ever. Come and get me if you dare. You don’t win… and you won’t.
Star, J. (2019, May 25). Full Face of Brands That DON’T Hate Me…Yet. Retrieved December 28, 2019, from