Anjali Reddy
3 min readSep 19, 2021

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937): Empathy and Narcissism

“Don’t talk to strangers.” This saying is so important, even for adults.

We’ve all seen the original movie Walt Disney first made when he opened his company. But for an older movie and a fairy tale, it sure does have a really big picture behind it. It’s been a while since I’ve really sat down to watch a movie or even write another article. But it’s been a stressful week and I thought a movie would be a way to engage in self-care. So I chose to watch Snow White last night and tonight. When I got to the scene where Snow White is making a pie for the dwarves, an eerie metaphor came to my mind.

The Queen shows up in the disguise of an old hag and tries to make a conversation with the alarmed Snow White. The Queen then precedes to make a comment about the smell of pies (Hand, 1937). This is what catches the princess off guard. In real life, a narcissist will invite themselves or assert themselves into an empath’s life and find ways to convince the empath to trust them. The Queen then precedes to offer Snow White the poisoned apple, but is stopped by some of the animals attacking the old hag. Snow White, an empath, shows empathy and kindness when this happens.

The Queen then fakes a heart attack and convinces Snow White to bring her into the house. Even after the dwarves warned the princess not to bring anyone into the house. Narcissists will often manipulate a situation or try to make people feel sorry for them in order to take advantage of the empath. Snow White helps the elderly woman unaware of the fact that her wicked Stepmother is intending to kill her. Afterwards, the hag offers Snow White a “magic wishing apple”(Hand, 1937). Reality, a narcissist will push a solution whether that be false promises, money, food, etc. in return for a favor. Snow White, being naive and all, willingly takes the apple and faints from the deadly bite.

In reality, when an empath trusts a narcissist the consequences can be dire but other times it turns out all right and things are resolved. Even though the Queen died in the movie and Snow White was saved by her true love ultimately, this is not how it always ends up. Always be careful who you trust and be compassionate to others. But don’t let them take advantage of you, because you might end up in a situation that will be hard to resolve.


Hand, D. (Director). (1937). Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs [Film]. Walt Disney Productions.

Anjali Reddy
Anjali Reddy

Written by Anjali Reddy

Licensed Professional Counselor

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